Interested in queen rearing? Explore all the tools and supplies you’ll need to produce queen honey bees for your colonies successfully. Our selection of grafting and rearing supplies will meet every beekeeper’s needs and are essential to raising queen bees. Whether you’re raising queens to sell or to keep for your own hive, we’ve got everything you need.
Queen Bee Supplies
Producing queen cells takes serious, committed work, and there are plenty of supplies you’ll need along the way. Special tools are required to transfer the grafted larvae from the cell in the grafting frame into the cell cups. You’ll need a variety of grafting tools, cell bars, and a plastic cell cup to successfully raise queen bees.
Cell Cups for Queen Bees
Browse wide base cups in various colors for your queens to grow. Plastic cups are easy to maneuver in the transfer station and can be reusable. Our cell cups come in amber, blue, green, red, and smoke for versatility and color coding purposes.
Shopping Grafting Supplies with Mann Lake
The delicate transfer of queen cells requires patience and special tools. Our tools and supplies are high-quality, durable, and designed specifically for beekeeping. Browse from grafting products, rearing frames, queen muffs, and more! We’re here to support you throughout your journey.